Toddler Tales is a 20-minute program for babies, toddlers, and their caregivers with songs, fingerplays, and short stories to introduce our youngest patrons to the world of words. For ages 0–3.
Preschool Storytime is a 30-minute program for preschoolers and school-aged children with stories, puppets, and activities to engage youngsters and highlight the joys of books and storytelling. For ages 3–5.
Toddler Tales is a 20-minute program for babies, toddlers, and their caregivers with songs, fingerplays, and short stories to introduce our youngest patrons to the world of words. For ages 0–3.
Kids ages 3–6 can put on their dancing shoes and try out different forms of dance in this toe-tapping class taught by Wasatch Contemporary Dance Company. Register for one of three free sessions at 3 PM, 3:45 PM, and 4:30 PM.
Kids ages 3–6 can put on their dancing shoes and try out different forms of dance in this toe-tapping class taught by Wasatch Contemporary Dance Company. Register for one of three free sessions at 3 PM, 3:45 PM, and 4:30 PM.
Hora de Cuentos
Traiga a toda la familia cada semana para un cuento bilingüe especial de media hora. Todas las edades son bienvenidas.
Bring the whole family each week for a special half-hour bilingual storytime. All ages are welcome.
Kids ages 3–6 can put on their dancing shoes and try out different forms of dance in this toe-tapping class taught by Wasatch Contemporary Dance Company. Register for one of three free sessions at 3 PM, 3:45 PM, and 4:30 PM.
Free play & building challenges. LEGO & DUPLO blocks. Caregiver must accompany ages 7 and under. No registration.
We’re bringing back the Library Book Club! At our first meeting, we’ll be discussing what books we’ll read next year and the format of the meetings for 2025.